
Summer Reading Finale

We are excited to celebrate our Summer Readers at the Summer Reading Finale. This Saturday, join us for lunch & hanging out with a traveling petting zoo. We will be handing out prizes to our Most Minutes Read in the following age categories: 0-7, 8-12, 13-17, 18 and up, overall 0-12 and overall 13 and up. We will also be awarding prizes to our shelf completers who turned in their reading logs.

Monday, April 8th West Fork Library will be open 9:30-noon & 4:00-6:00PM

Join us at Riverside Park to view the Eclipse, spend time with the community, and make nature suncatchers.

Support Your Library

Become a part of your local West Fork community by giving your time, unused items, or financial support to your library.

Patron Support Fund

Become a supporter of your library! The library is taking donations to help us build a better library. We may use your donation for item purchases, interior/exterior library needs or programming.

(479) 839-2626

Donate Items

We are looking for recently released items, items in good condition, and books by popular authors. Please bring them to the library during open hours.

(479) 839-2626


Your support can also be used by volunteering at the library. Please feel out our volunteer page and be a part of our program, shelving, and/or catalog team. Form.

(479) 839-2626

West Fork Public Library Newsletter

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