
Summer Reading Finale

We are excited to celebrate our Summer Readers at the Summer Reading Finale. This Saturday, join us for lunch & hanging out with a traveling petting zoo. We will be handing out prizes to our Most Minutes Read in the following age categories: 0-7, 8-12, 13-17, 18 and up, overall 0-12 and overall 13 and up. We will also be awarding prizes to our shelf completers who turned in their reading logs.

Submit your questions for the Mayor before February 7th. Click here to submit your question.

Learning Resources

The West Fork Public Library is so excited to introduce our learning resources.  Each backpack provides books, activity ideas, and learning manipulatives that can be used to support you at home. If you need support in for another topic, please share your idea here.

Math Manipulatives

Have fun learning math using fun books. Use manipulatives to help understand math concepts in a concrete way.

It's about Time

Learn about time through stories and games. Practice reading and setting a toy clock.

West Fork Public Library Newsletter

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